Collect detailed feedback from grassroots Democrats like you

If you’re reading this, you’re probably wondering how your inbox keeps filling up with URGENT messages from Democrats you’ve never heard of. It’s simple: they’re buying your email address.

Unfortunately, as annoying as it is, it’s currently the most effective way for Democrats to raise money without the influence of special interests. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t be honest with our supporters about the process.

Instead of manipulating donors’ fear with false urgency and misleading them about where the money goes, we’ll ask our supporters to tell us what they care about most. Unlike most “surveys” you see that are just hidden fundraising asks, we’ll analyze and act on the results.

Apply what we learn as we build cutting-edge technology

But wait – don’t Democrats already have the technology to send emails based on how users respond? You’d think so, but our current systems are designed to maximize profit rather than genuine and personalized supporter interaction.

The feedback our supporters provide will be the backbone of a cutting-edge suite of AI content personalization tools that will make today’s generic, scammy fundraising emails obsolete.

Working with trusted progressive technology partners, what we create will be a blueprint for Democrats to follow for decades to come. By joining our movement, you can help us shape the future of digital progressive politics.

Share the results with local Democratic campaigns

In the past few years, from Trump’s plot to steal the election, to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, we’ve learned the hard way just how much of an impact state and local officials can really have on our lives. Perhaps President Obama said it best:

– President Barack Obama

As important as local races are, most donors only ever give to candidates at the federal level. Our mission is focused on down-ballot races, so we can provide the tools to break through the noise to the Democrats who need them the most!